Thoughts of GOD!!!

Before reading this post, ask yourself the following questions.
Do you have the best imagination? Are you creative in your mind? If yes, Go on read my story!

Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my room looking at the roof. The roof was broken.(its not the real roof I'm talking about! The broken roofs resembels one's broken life!! Do you remember "THE BROKER" a high school English chapter!??? Yes I was thinking about my broken roof(life))I was in my deepest thought....................................................…......

..................... My phone started ringing, I rejected the call without even looking at the number. Soon after, again my phone rang. This time, I picked it up.

Me- "Hello, Who is this!?"
         I got to hear a sweet girl's voice
Girl-  "May I speak to Mr.Rohith??"
Me-  "I said yes, you are at the right adress. Go on!"
Girl-  "Are you the writer of Thoughts as it is blog?"
Me-  I was quite surprised. I thought I have no audience. But this girl made me feel like a                  professional writer. " Yes, but I'm not a writer. I'm a hobby blogger."
Girl-  again with the sweet voice😘😘 " You, Sound too professional in your blog! Can I talk to          you for few minutes?"
Me -- "Yeah, sure" I was enjoying the conversation. I love to talk to girls😎😎, that too it was            a sweet voice.
"Thu, ninnam@|\| $|_n bit@$%......" I got out of my THOUGHTS hearing this. Two boys were quarelling at the yard of my home. I got down the street, they ran away seeing me.. I came back and again, I sat in the same place and went back to my deepest thoughts......................
Girl-- "I too started a blog a year before, I have not even managed to get 50+ views. But your             blogs are booming everwhere in whatsapp! How can it be possible?? How did you                   managed that?"
Me--  Felt blessed and happy at the same time. "Oh Is it, I really don't know what I have done.        I have no idea what digital marketing is! And I don't see my links booming on whatsapp!"
      Girl--"No, You are a good content writer. Please give me some tips to increase my skils            and if possible views to my blog!"
Me-- I was shocked to hear that. "Yeah sure, send me your blog link. I will see the content                and try to help you by sharing your blog link."
        I forgot to ask her name, I think her sweet voice made me forget the things! Or was it               my sexual attraction.

I got the link via whatsapp. I saw the whole content. Language wasn't that good. She was pretty ok with her grammer. But the blog contents were too boring to read.(I think I'm not a boring writer!.) Blog design was not good. Dark background! Had a lot of messy areas, not content. Wrong images at the wrong place! Everything matters for a reader, right? (OVER IMAGINATION!!!!)

Now, I asked myself, what made me to write my life events in a funny way. What gave me strenght to attract and impress her! Why did she called me and asked me for advises!

Thats when I retrived the story "The man who knew infinity." Ramanujan somewhere quotes that his formulea and mathematical inventions as thoughts of god!! Yes, he might be right. Why Cant I find the solution for infinite sine series! Why can only Ramanujan do it and Why can only professor Hardy understand it!! They are all thoughts of the god!! 

I relate this story to my situation. While I can write and attract, why can't she?? Thoughts of god is it? When I was in 9th std, I failed in Social science test. My classmate who was residing in the same area had got more marks. He used to play all the time, but I was never allowed outside during tests. Despite of this, I was failed. This too might be thoughts of god or do people name this as luck!!

Did you understood the post?? What was that all about?? Confused!!?
This is it!! Now ask yourself questions. At the start of this post I said I was in my deepest thoughts. Remember?? Why too many dots over there! ? And in the middle, I suddenly switched to a different scene, distured! Again I switched back?? Why did I do that??

Let me tell you a story. A great mathematician who introduced game theory for non-cooperative game, His name was John Nash. Remember the film beautiful mind?? Haven't watched it yet?? Then listen to the story. He was a great mathematician who lived inside his mind!! He created what he needed inside his mind! He created friends and foes inside his mind. He lived with those imaginary characters half of his life. He thought them as real. Finally got invloved, and was admitted to phychologists!!  Mind is a palace where you can store anything! Mind is a palace where you can imagine and create anything. Let me come out of this story. In general, do you belive in Virtual life? Virtual friends. The characters whom you can imagine and live with???! Who are created in one's mind and are not real! If no, then this post is not for you.. If yes, then go back to the start and read it again. You will understand the whole post.😎 Concentrate on the bold letters!! 
Now, did you understand?? Was it difficult?
I love upendra, I love Beautifull mind and Inception movies!! And at last, This post is only for those who have brains!! Buddivantharige mathra!!! Enjoyed reading this? Do you belive in virtual life? Do you belive in Mind palace? Comment your opinions!